Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hydra Oligactis

Hydra Oligactis
Attaches to substrate by its stalk. It can have up to 12 tentacles that can reach up to a an inch long.  They reproduce in several ways. One is through budding which happens every 3 days, they will occasionally reproduce by transverse and longitudinal fission. They move by basal gliding to places of high oxygen as needed. They are carnivorous creatures that eat small metazoans, including annelids, copepods, cladocerans, and insects. They start off by using a special cell called nematocysts to paralyze their prey. After, a response triggered by glutathione makes the tentacles pull in toward the mouth. Each time the hydra eats it takes the mouth with it and grows a new one. Males outnumber females and they can live for over a year . They also have the ability to regenerate.

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