Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Daphnia Magna

Daphnia Magna
Is a  crustacean females are 5 mm in size while  males are about 2 mm. They are considered the largest of the daphnias'. The body is protected by a carapace made of chitin. The intestine is shaped like a hook and includes two digestive cecae. On the head is  two antennae and a compound eye. Other then it's massive size daphnia Magna is different from the other Daphnia Pulex because of the way the abdominal claw is seen. In a female it has a gap and then continues. They can survive in fresh and brackish water up to 20% salinity. It eats mostly algae but also detritus and bacteria. It filter feeds by a current that's created in its carapace. They reproduce by cyclic pathogenesis meaning it cycles between sexual and asexual reproduction .
You can see the daphnia breathing and it's heart beating .

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