Thursday, October 13, 2016

Will fish scales soon be a powersource for electronics and medical devices?

Researchers at Jadavpur University in Koltata, India have found a way to turn fish remains into biodegradable generators. Fish scales are made of collagen which has piezoelectric properties. In other words, when stress is placed on the collagen fibers an electrical charge is produced. This fish scale generator is now being called a "bio-piezoelectric Nano generator." The research team started by making the fish scales transparent and flexible. Once that was achieved they experimented to find the right hierarchical arrangement of the collagen fibers to maximize the energy output. The resulting generator can harness energy from a wide range of things. Body movements, machine and sound vibrations, and wind flow just to name a few.Not only is this technology biodegradable but it is also very efficient. A finger touching the generator on repetition was able to power 50 blue LEDs. Regardless of this being so unique and interesting this new technology shows major promise for the technology of the future. Implantable medical devices such as pacemakers; as well as technology such as phones could eventually be fueled by something sustainable. Not only is fish consumed in massive quantities throughout the world the resulting remains such as tails and scales aren't used for very much. This will help to keep fish remains out of landfills, is cheap, not to mention it is beneficial to the environment.